Friday, June 27, 2008

Self Parody At Its Finest

It is common knowledge that over the past few years, Republicans and other Family-First Fellows have been caught in some rather... uh... queer situations. (See here for at least a half dozen examples.)

Today, Republican Senators reintroduced The Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) in the U.S. Senate, which is the ongoing effort to add to the United States Constitution the phrase "No gay marriage allowed." Who were these Republican Senators wishing to save us from the pestiferous threat of queer nuptials? Larry Craig and David Vitter.

That would be Senator Larry mens-room-toe-tapping-for-gay-sex Craig of Idaho, and Senator David diaper-wearing-prostitute-loving Vitter of Louisiana.

I really should give the Republicans the benefit of the doubt and consider the possibility that they let these two fellows sponsor the FMA as a lark: It's really rather condescending to think that the Republicans would let one guy who trolls for gay sex in airport mens rooms and a second guy who likes prostitutes to "baby" him be the sponsors of an ostensibly "Straight Marriage Only Save The Family" constitutional amendment without recognizing the irony, hypocrisy and audacity inherent in such a decision, and I apologize for thinking the Republican Senate leadership are that dumb.

So, in the spirit of it all: Good joke fellas. Heh. Quite funny.

1 comment:

DAGO said...

I used to do body piercing some time ago, my friend who owned a tattoo parlor got involved with an internet club for swingers.
So we went to Atlanta to do some tattoos and piercings at a swinger’s convention. They had 2 floors of the Hilton Hotel to them selves, quite a bit of money if you ask me. Anyway the first thing that came to my mind when I entered the convention and looked around was “They are all Republicans”. At that point I had no way of telling of course but that was what popped into my head.
After being there for a few hours I realized I was right, they were a bunch of Lawyers, Judges, Nurses and other assorted professionals. One Lady, I found out later was an organist, (no pun intended) for the first Baptist church in a southern state I wont mention. My point is I have found in life that the so called “Conservatives” are just as intoxicated with power as the rest. I’ve also noticed that when people keep throwing stones at others, its usually because they are simply covering for something in side them selves …….WOW does that mean you may actually be a Closet Republican? LOL,LOL,LOL I couldn’t help that one.