Saturday, June 28, 2008

It Must Be National Hypocrisy Week Or Something

Have you noticed how the right wing talking heads on TV and elsewhere have stopped hounding Obama about the fact that he didn't wear an American flag pin on his lapel? Well, they didn't stop bothering him about it because he finally gave in and started wearing one. Nope. Right wing swift boat smear artists wouldn't surrender a bonafide opportunity to paint Obama as a flag-hating anti-American simply on the basis that he capitulated to their demands.

Nope. Instead, they realized that they had better shut up before people start to point out the fact that John McCain never wears an American flag pin on his lapel also.


DAGO said...

Polatricks aside, Obama aint a hair on John McCains ass when it comes to givin it up for his country.No one can question his AMERICANISM.
What ever a persons politricks are McCain paid his dues and Proved his loyalties to this country. I do believe there is something floating around the net calling him a trader saying he talked and used his father’s position as Admiral to his advantage while captive. A bunch of left wing pinko stuff if ya ask me.

Jil Wrinkle said...

That's the point, obviously: People will state that "not wearing a flag pin must mean you hate America", even though their own favored candidate is a perfect example of how wrong they are.

DAGO said...

I reckon I didn't see that point. Ya know its a shame, the problem with America is, the Left hate's the Right, and the Right hate's the Left so much their mutual hate has blinded each of them as to what is really best for our country and the world we live in. Divide and Conquer, I guess the Commies really are winning the cold war. I guess Lady Liberty is the Fat lady and pretty soon she will be singing some socialist/Commie song. Socialism, Communism, Fascism, We just can’t win, what ever happened to good old fashioned Americanism? Velcome to Z New Vorld Or-Door!!! Vhere are ur Pap-Airz??!!!!