Thursday, June 26, 2008

How Dumb Do They Think We Are?

The McCain campaign today sent Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas out to talk to the press about how Senator Barack Obama is nonpartisan, and never works with Republicans in the Senate.

You would think that out of all the people McCain could have sent out to say something like that, he would have picked a person other than the one Republican Senator with whom Barack Obama has worked more than any other:

(1) On a bill to increase economic pressure on Iran.
(2) As a cosponsor of Brownback's Darfur peace plan.
(3) To establish U.S. policy towards The Congo.
(4) And others.

John McCain admits to not knowing how to use a computer or the internet. That's apparently quite true: Otherwise he would have Googled Senator Obama's record before sending the two-faced Senator from Kansas out in front of the press to knowingly spout falsehoods.

Seriously: If somebody at work has helped you out repeatedly at your job, and then you volunteer to go out and say that that same person never helps out at work, how big a dick does that make you?
By the way... I'll just add that Senator Brownback also spouted the nonsense that Senator Obama is America's most liberal senator. The only source for this claim comes from the infamous National Journal's 2007 Vote Ratings. Who did they list as America's most liberal senator in 2003? John Kerry.

1 comment:

TheMindFantastic said...

You would think an aide would have done the googling for him. Obviously not I guess.