Saturday, April 17, 2010

Exceptionally Cool Bit Of Technology

Winscape: At first, it seems kind of dorky. Hang two televisions on your wall and set up a computer to display a vista on them so that you have a mountainside view (as in this video below) of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Until you move around...

There is a sensor that tracks you moving around the room, and as you do it adjusts the (motion) picture being displayed to adjust to your point of view, so that it appears that the image is a dynamic view.

Well... it looks cool on YouTube, though I'm sure that in practice it doesn't pop out at you nearly as well. But: It is an interesting toy, and it definitely is a first future step for immersing entertainment experiences, 3D holography (imagine combining this technology with the new 3D televisions). So, okay... it is still dorky and nerdy, but most first steps of new arenas of technology tend to be that way.


Mom said...

Really great! It's the answer to the room-with-a-view!

David in Jasaan said...

I especially love the moment when the video loops and all the clouds, cars, sharks, etc. suddenly go back to where they were at the beginning... very lifelike...