Monday, November 9, 2009

Suckered: Oklahoma Stupid Student Test Faked

Nate Silver does the figuring and asks some questions, and comes to the conclusion that the "pop quiz" of Oklahoma students that I wrote about, where 40% of them couldn't remember the name of the ocean off the East Coast of the United States, and more than half couldn't name America's two major political parties was almost certainly faked.

Heh. We went over all the possibilities in the comments section of how students could be that stupid. Turns out it was probably the people from Strategic Vision, LLC, giving the test who turn out to be the idiots.


Anonymous said...

I was the one questioning the validity of the test in your original post. I guess I was right.

Jil Wrinkle said...

Yup. You were definitely right that the results were questionable. You were even halfway right to suggest malice or chicanery might have caused the results... but nobody could have guessed that it was the polling company that was guilty of deceit.