Wednesday, October 7, 2009

At Least He Got That Accomplished

I remember writing several times (although I can't find any links to prove it... but those of you who read my blog regularly will remember what I did say) that one of the main reasons I liked Obama best for President was that he would help restore the world's opinion of America, and boost its reputation on the world stage.

That happened:
The United States is the most admired country globally thanks largely to the star power of President Barack Obama and his administration, according to a new poll.

It climbed from seventh place last year, ahead of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan which completed the top five nations in the Nation Brand Index (NBI).

"What's really remarkable is that in all my years studying national reputation, I have never seen any country experience such a dramatic change in its standing as we see for the United States for 2009," said Simon Anholt, the founder of NBI, which measured the global image of 50 countries each year.

He believes that during the previous administration of George W. Bush the United States suffered in the world ranking with its unpopular foreign policies but since Obama was elected, and despite the recent economic turmoil, the country's status has risen globally.

"There is no other explanation," Anholt said in an interview, referring to the impact of Obama.


Unknown said...

President Obama is the Tiger Woods of world politics!

hello from mataho in bangkok

Jil Wrinkle said...

Mataho... that's quite a condign and astute analogy. Especially since almost every time Tiger pulls out his big driver and swings for the biggest hit he can muster, he always winds up in the rough.

Anonymous said...

Frank from Florida.
If you desire a fascist form of
government, then go with Obama.
I prefer a free state, free business, less taxes.
I go for Ron Paul.

Hi Jil, enjoy your blog.

Chetumaire said...

So everyone likes us now... I'll cancel my therapy appointment then.

That ranking and a cheese sandwich will get me what again ?

Jil Wrinkle said...


It depends on where you live. If you live in America, probably nothing... or at least very little in terms of material gains. Perhaps a lower likelihood of terrorist attack, but that would be a specious claim at best.

For us overseas though, it's better because it means a general (granted... not a specific) improvement in the way that we Americans are perceived, treated, and probably a general (granted... not a specific) lowering of the dangers we face.

It also depends on your point of view: For the individual American, an improved worldwide opinion of America might not mean much. However, overall it represents improved diplomatic clout when it comes to things like coaxing China or Russia or France to help us deal with Iran or our negotiations in trade agreements. Other countries will be more willing to side with us on global issues, which in the long-run will help the United States as a whole.

Unknown said...

I was thinking more along the lines of a good-looking, multi-cultural media darling, with a good looking wife and cute kids!

I believe Barack is a bit of a hack on the links?

It's is amazing, though, as an American living and traveling around Asia, everyone always mentions Obama with a thumbs up!

When I'm back in America, at least 45%of the folks give home a thumbs down!

Of course, many of those folks can barely locate Kansas on the map, let alone Mindanao!

As the bumper sticker on the big bad, gas-guzzlin' F250 reads, "America! Love it, or leave it!"