Wednesday, January 21, 2009


After John Stewart gave a side-by-side comparison of the many similarities between George Bush's "rhetoric" of the past 8 years, and Barack Obama's inaugural "message of hope", Jason Jones gave the following explanation why Obama was so awesome even though he said many of the same things as George Bush:

"Look... It's like cheese is delicious on Italian food but when you melt it on Chinese food, it's disgusting."

It'll be interesting to see if The Daily Show can keep going with this new president, when it was created for the express purpose of making fun of George Bush and friends. Good luck: I don't think Obama and his friends are going to be anywhere near as gormless or as comically frustrating as the Bush administration was.

Click here to view the video from The Daily Show.


I almost missed this interview with Bishop Gene Robinson, the gay Episcopal Bishop from New Hampshire, about the inauguration:

"It was so crowded today, there were so many people. You as a bishop are sort of doubly handicapped in that situation, only being able to move diagonally. How is that negotiating the crowds?"

Bishop Robinson:
"John, you have to understand, there's a queen on the board as well."

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