Monday, July 21, 2008

Daily Report: New Games

I've been working quite a bit lately, but summer time means that work is running out more often and sooner than it used to. For lunch, Susan cooked pasta al fredo.

Epril in the process of getting killed for
the umpteenth time while she acclimates
herself to the 20-some-odd buttons
required to splatter the baddies in
Resistance, Fall of Man.
In the evening, my landlord Aldin arrived from Chicago, bringing with him two new games, three documentaries, and six movies for the Playstation 3. (I got "Civilization Revolution" for Playstation 3, because I go for the strategy games; Epril got "Resistance, Fall of Man" because she just likes to shoot aliens.)

For dinner, it was bar-be-que chicken and rice, while we watched the Blue Ray DVD "Discovery Atlas: China Revealed", which was really good. I really appreciate high-def TV more when watcing documentaries than I do with high-def movies.

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