Sunday, May 11, 2008

Road Legal Airplane On The Way

You wanted to know where your flying car of the future was? Coming right up.

The Terrafugia Transition will go from road-ready to flight-ready in under 30 seconds, take off, fly you to your destination, land, and go straight from the runway to the highway without even putting it in park.

Construction of the prototype is currently underway, and production starts sometime in 2012. Prices should be under $150K.


Mike Turner said...

Mike Turner said...

should one cancel the new merc purchase?

Jil Wrinkle said...

Yes Star... I'm well familiar with the Tesla. I covered it on my other blog back in 2006.

I think that the Tesla is far and away the most important electric vehicle ever made. It's like having a movie star being the p.r. frontman for your cause: It's pretty, it's impressive, and it is everything you hope an electric car could be.