Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No Duh: Illegal Immigrant Jobs Not Getting Done

With all of the illegal immigrants being chased off by crazy rednecks in pickup trucks driving along the border, American farmers are finding it a bit difficult to harvest some of their crops. Crop yields on "labor intensive" produce will be dropping significantly in coming years.

Jeez. Couldn't have seen that one coming.

Jungle Jil standing opinion #27: The government should leave the issue of illegal immigration alone. It's a broken and ridiculous system of cat-and-dog law breaking and law enforcement that currently works quite nicely for everyone involved, and will never be replaced by a system that works better. No walls, no waivers, no permits, no guest worker programs. And those rednecks should just put their asses in reverse, drive home, and go enjoy their asparagus.

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