Thursday, April 15, 2010

ZOMG! Obama Cancels National Prayer Day!!!!1!


What I'm noticing is that a large portion of the lies told about President Obama are based on differences between his tenure in the White House and that of President Bush before him: If Obama does something differently — or more importantly undoes something or fails to do something — compared to President Bush, all manner of hell breaks loose from people who, frankly, would much rather see somebody exactly like President Bush sitting in the White House.

President Bush was the first and only president to hold a prayer service in the White House on National Prayer Day. President Obama didn't continue that practice. Therefore, in the eyes of the mad Obama haters, President Obama has canceled National Prayer Day. See? It's stupid right? You can recognize that can't you?

The other thing that I'm noticing are lies that I'll call "Reagan the Socialist" lies. People are going around and calling Obama all manner of bad things for doing or promising or enacting the exact same thing that Republicans have focused on in the past. Obama renews and expands on Republican President Reagan's nuclear arms reduction efforts? Then Obama is appeasing communists. Obama enacts Republican Bob Dole's healthcare reform plan? Then Obama is a socialist. Obama uses the Republican-instituted-and-approved process of congressional reconciliation to get healthcare reform passed? Then Obama is a rule-breaking Democrat. Obama follows through on President Bush's bank bailouts? Then Obama is a big-government liberal. Obama calls for a halt to settlement expansions in Jerusalem just like every President for the last 30 years? Then Obama hates Israel.

It just never ends. The people telling these lies aren't stupid; they're just terribly dishonest. They are completely aware that they are lying to you. The only hope we have is that we eventually reach a threshold of Americans... 90% would be nice... who are suspicious enough to read an e-mail as ridiculous as "Obama cancels National Prayer Day" and immediately suspect that it is bullshit, instead of hitting "Forward" to everybody in their address book.

Well (my favorite saying), good luck with that.

Here is the best one yet: Obama just signed a bill that says that hospital patients... not rules or laws or anything else... get to decide who will visit them in a hospital. So, let me ask you: If you were a writer and you had to put a headline together that describes that particular decision by the President, what would it be? Here's one from "Barack Obama Will Decide Who Can Visit You In The Hospital." (And yes, in case you are wondering, is one of the top 5 conservative websites... not some unknown hack writing bunches of crap that nobody reads.)

How can anybody think that clowns who write this kind of stuff should be believed on anything?

1 comment:

TheMindFantastic said...

The US as time goes on becomes more extreme right and extreme left in the people who spin the news. The news will put forth only one or the other, and everything that the OTHER party does is EVIL, BUSH IS EVIL, now OBAMA IS EVIL. Its getting so much that it might devolve into a similar situation between the protestants and catholics in Ireland, but with legal access to firearms. I hope it doesn't but it feels that way.