Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Defeating The Carolers

I was talking to Steve and Helen about my annoyance at the little kids who "carol" (i.e. shout at the top of their lungs) outside houses here in The Philippines during the Christmas season, looking for money.

Helen had the perfect, simple, and "Christian" (meaning not involving attack dogs or garden hoses) solution to getting rid of the carolers: Go out and buy a bunch of the small sweet dinner rolls that are popular here in The Philippines and give those to the kids when they stop by. They cost less than a piso each, and the kids, knowing that their efforts at sonic extortion will only yield more bread — not cash — will stop coming to your house.

A very elegant, simple, and harmonious solution.

1 comment:

Mom said...

That is a great idea. Simple. To the point. and "non-violent". Your friend is a very creative thinker.