Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monday Vinnie Blogging

Back when my nephew Vincent was a baby, on my old blog I put up weekly pictures of his cuteness. Of course, now that Vincent is getting on in years, the cute doesn't happen every 30 seconds anymore, and the camera isn't clicking away all the time.

But Halloween obviously offers opportunities for cuteness, and thus we have a special commerative edition of Monday Vinnie Blogging for you today.

I'm not really sure what Vincent's costume is though. "Muppet Trapper and Furrier" is the best I could come up with. My sister should have given Vincent a bloody steel trap with a mangled Grover caught in it to illustrate the costume a little better.


Anonymous said...

Hee hee! What a great surprise to see my boy on your page! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh and he is Sully, from Monsters Inc. ;)