Sunday, October 4, 2009

Update On Olympics Post

Nate Silver, probably one of the best people on the planet when it comes to looking at statistics and drawing conclusions, examines the voting delegates of the IOC and makes some rather astute and dramatic observations regarding the fairness of the Olmympic site selection process.

He sees things a bit differently than I do. If anything, his conclusions are much more fair and unbiased than my own. You'll have to excuse this obviously self-contradictory and illogical statement I'm going to make: I don't agree with the final solution / adjustment that Nate Silver's mathematics brought him to regarding the delegate and voting procedure, but I fully agree that the mathematics and thinking he used to reach that solution / adjustment is the best process possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can the same dude ran his ruler over the UN and especially the security council????