Thursday, October 29, 2009

Farmville Article (With Quote From Me) Up On NYT

I've now been quoted in The New York Times. That makes 2 out of 4 of New York's major newspapers I've been quoted in (N.B.).
The game seems to have mesmerized people from all walks of life. Every night for the last two weeks, Jil Wrinkle, a 40-year-old medical transcriber in the Philippines, has set his alarm for 1:30 a.m., when he will wake up, roll over and harvest his blueberries.

"I keep my laptop next to my bed," he explained by phone. "The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is harvest, then I harvest again at 10 in the morning, then again in midafternoon, then in the evening, and then again right before going to bed."
Heh. The only downside to this is that, unless at some point in the future I get mentioned in a larger forum for something more popular than Farmville, chances are anybody googling my name forever and ever will be directed to this article above all others.


Mom said...

Congratulations on getting yourself quoted in The NY Times. If this keeps up, perhaps they will be quoting you about your marvelous intellect and mighty writing ability that you inherited from your mother.(?)

Jil Wrinkle said...

Sorry Mom... This may have been as close to my 15 minutes as I will get. It's probably best that you and I appreciate my intellect and mighty writing ability ourselves and not wait for a wider recognition to come along.

Kyle Stanley said...

Me and my wife are enjoying your comments.. its so True about harvesting all the time and even in the middle of the night. I went to Manila yesterday to get my Permanent 13a visa and my asawa used that time to pass me up again on XP points hehehe.