Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This Isn't Going To Help

The U.S. government is debating the prospect of bringing that lone surviving Somali pirate to American soil to be tried in a federal court, giving him the potential of facing life imprisonment in a federal penetentiary.

It begs the question: Which is actually worse? Spending your life penniless and starving on the streets of the most dangerous and lawless city on the planet, or spending it in an American prison?

Really, the only thing that is going to prevent these pirates from engaging in their activities is preemptively killing them as soon as they are sighted. Board them, execute them, and leave the bodies floating. Seriously: The only "downside" these pirates currently have to consider for their actions is a slight risk of getting killed. If that goes up to a likely risk of getting killed, they may (and I stress may given their circumstances) think twice about it.


1 comment:

Brunty said...

I agree 100% Jil. The pirates need to be executed. No trials or prisons. They need to know that they will not survive if they are caught.

All companies need to better equip their ships with weapons and training to stop pirates boarding them and also comanies just have to say 'no' to paying ransom money.

If ransom isn't paid what is the point of hijacking, for the cargos?

Death is the only answer and as you said "they may think twice then"