Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dumb Democrat(s)

I don't usually delve into real hard-core third-level political machinations on this blog, unless drawn there by the scent of my usual favorite subject, hypocrisy. However, I will comment briefly on the idiot who is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, because it illustrates so very well everything that is wrong with Democrats:

If you don't know what is going on with this Burris fellow from Illinois and the scumblag Illinois governor, I won't bother explaining it. Just read and learn here.

Harry Reid, well... he, uhm... felt the right instinct (as Democrats always do), which was that a Senate appointment from a corrupt and vitiated governor shouldn't be respected, but unfortunately he got steamrolled by the rules and procedures (as Democrats always do), which was that a Senate appointment from a corrupt and vitiated governor is perfectly legal until that governor is found guilty of something.

The fact that Harry Reid couldn't quite grasp that fact... anticipate that fact... or see it bearing down on him like a flaming Hindenberg... and stood there the whole time in front of any TV camera he could find, making pronouncements about how reality was going to somehow magically mold itself to his expectations... that makes him an idiot.

Just to add to the literal pall of stupid hanging over this man, the Republicans came along and gave him a nuclear wedgie by reminding him that based on his "interpretation" of things, they could keep the new Democratic Minnesota Senator from being sworn in, causing Reid to finally recognize that he was chest-deep in a big flaming mess called reality, and he was now a char-broiled doofus.

I'd start in on Diane Feinstein right now, but then I'd have to officially declare this a political blog, and I'm not willing to go that far.

In fact, just to dial things back a little bit, I'll turn this into Jungle Jil video blog:

Okay, you've got Senator Burris in the near lane, Governor scumblag in the far lane. That person down at the bottom? That's Harry Reid.

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