Monday, January 12, 2009

Daily Report: Sick Day

We slept out in the jungle until 9:00 this morning. After a rough night of cold-related awakenings — in which I monitored the on-and-off rain throughout the night with a bit of nervousness, being mere meters away from an ever-swelling river... albeit a small one — I needed every bit of sleep I could muster.

Fortunately, when time came for the ride back to Cagayan De Oro, the rain had stopped, and we had a nice ride, even if we had to stop a couple of times to clean the inside of my sneeze-covered helmet visor. We stopped at the barbershop and I got my hair cut. Cost: 75 cents.

After that it was back home, where I hoped to get to work. However, there was only non-essential and undesirable work to be done, so I decided to skip the morning and blogged instead. Then we had a lunch (cooked by Susan, who came over) of pancit... Filipino lo mein.

In the afternoon, I made yet another attempt to sit down to work, but this time I just couldn't bring myself to get to work. I was just sick and tired on every level. So, I went to bed and curled up under the covers and went to sleep.

At sunset, Neighbor Dave stopped by with a bottle of wine and I offered up my not-very-good Christmas cheese ball and saltines to the occasion, and we sat in the living room and talked business for a while. Then, Dave's wife, Nilda, came over, and Epril and I showed them our wedding video.

After that, Dave and Nilda went home, and I made an early night of it.

Aside from our ride home, it rained/drizzled pretty much all day today as well. This rain, I've heard, is record setting, with over 30 inches having come down in the past week.

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