Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tax Refund Creates Porn Industry Bonanza

Remember that tax rebate you got a month ago? You spent it on porn, didn't you? Yes you did.

George Bush wanted Americans to go out and buy something with his "here's-some-cash-so-you'll-stop-hating-me" scheme that they wouldn't have otherwise bought... and a surprising amount of them opted for some good ol' American smut. In fact, many porn sites had a 30% increase in membership in the days immediately after the porn money... er... tax money was sent out.

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "government-funded economic stimulation" doesn't it?

1 comment:

Issarat said...

This should come as no suprise; given the song and dance and money that the average (and above average) male has to spend to have sex in the West.