Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Jungle Jil Public Service Announcement

Just remember folks, you shouldn't watch a single political advert on television this election year without immediately going to FactCheck.org to verify whether or not what you just heard in that ad is actually true.

FactCheck.org is a subsidiary of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, and their only job in life is to examine claims being made by political campaigns (either on the hustings or on TV) and figure out what the truth actually is, and inform you.

For the average voter who doesn't have time to familiarize themselves with the issues and do the fact-checking themselves, FactCheck.org is the most powerful tool for finding out the truth on the internet.

Don't vote in ignorance; study and learn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I find it hard to believe they have no agenda, but if you say so I'll check it out.

Not having an agenda is almost impossible.