Epril went out and brought back some sushi from Yureka Japanese restaurant for lunch.
Dave makes his "tropical
salsa" (with pineapple).
Fantastic stuff.In the evening, it was over to Neighbor Dave's for a bit of indoor (because it was cold) bar-be-que (cooked outside). There was grilled chicken breast and grilled pork steaks. Dave made Mai Tais and "tropical salsa". There was even flan for dessert (my favorite). It was a nice evening with friends. Dave Ferrel and Eve were there, and they brought along their friends, Mark and Beth from England. Doctor Abe was also there, just in from having spent the day doing cleft palate repair for Operation Smile. We met a nice dentist lady named Fritzy as well.
In the back, Mark, Dave, and Dave.
In front: Beth, Fritzy, Epril, Dr. Abe,
Susan, Faye, Nilda, and Rose.Eventually, the guys wandered outside to the porch and talked about politics and business in The Philippines and drank Mai Tais, while the girls stayed inside and talked about life in England mostly (unfortunately for Epril, as she was the only girl in the room who had never been). But it was still a great evening for everybody, and we had a lot of fun and great food.
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