I actually got Senator McCain's vice presidential pick correct in a way: I predicted he would pick a woman. I just didn't expect him to pick a completely unknown, vastly unqualified and hyper-psycho-conservative woman. Sheesh.
I thoroughly enjoy listening to McCain's campaign staff explain how this woman, Sarah Palin, has so much "executive experience". They claim that being governor of Alaska makes her more qualified to be President than Obama's vice presidential pick, Joe Biden, with 36 years in the Senate (or even John McCain, apparently, by association). They seem to think that 20 months of governing the 4th-least-populated state in America (fewer people than Memphis, Tennesee) combined with a minor in political science from The University of Idaho is all that a person needs in order to be President of The United States. (I won't even get into the "governing Alaska which is right next to Russia and Canada = more foreign policy experience than Obama" idea some conservatives are trying out.)
Just a thought: Obama's campaign has more people working for it than there are employees of the executive branch of the Alaskan state government. Hell, if you include volunteers, Obama's campaign has more people working for it than the small village of which Sarah Palin was mayor has living in it.
For those of you who are hip and cool enough to get it, I read a comment on another blog that summed up the Republican ticket so perfectly:
Tigh/Roslin '08.
hi jil. i will be visiting a girl in manila the seventeenth of this month. i was thinking about coming to cdo. if you have time maybe we can get a beer.i will wait till after your wedding because i know you will be busy till then. glenn
Every Friday night, from about 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Spooks in downtown CDO, there is an expatriate get-together. Let me know when you are in town, and we can meet up then.
That is the reason i will never vote democrat
None of them can keep their dick in their pants cept hillary and she has been forced out. You cant have morals and win the dem ticket
Can say alot of bad things about the republican policies
But at least they have morals and things they belive in and adhere to
Real things they aspire to not just the freedom and American dream bullshit
Star, that has to be the dumbest kneejerk assessment ever.
Have you forgotten about Republican Senator Larry Craig trolling for sex in the men's room?
Have you forgotten about Republican Senator David Vitter with his prostitutes and diaper fetish?
Have you forgotten about Republican Congressman Mark Foley chasing the male congressional pages around?
Have you forgotten about New York Republican Congressman Vito Fossella caught with "two families"?
Have you forgotten about Paster Ted Haggard smoking meth with a male prostitute?
Have you forgotten about Spokane Republican Mayor Jim West raping underaged boys?
Have you forgotten about Florida State Republican Congressman Bob Allen offering a male police officer $20 for oral sex?
Have you forgotten about Republican Washington State Representative Richard Curtis, who was arrested while crossdressing and hanging out with a male prostitute?
Have you forgotten about Senate Republican Jeff Miller, divorced because he was having an affair with an office aide?
Have you forgotten about Republican Congressman Don Sherwood, who admitted to beating and choking his lover?
How about Neil Bush, the president's brother? His wife divorced him because of his never-ending affairs.
How about Rush Limbaugh, flying to the Caribbean with a bottle of Viagra... but no wife along with him?
How about Dan Burton, Republican Congressman who fathered a child while cheating on his wife?
how about Dan Crane, Republican Congressman who had sex with an underaged Congressional page?
Star, you are either highly ignorant, willfully amnestic, or using sarcasm in a way that I fail to appreciate.
lol ive never heard of anyone on your list Jil
What about you and your handcuffs :/
The closest you can get to Bush junior or senior on this one is his brother divorced his wife
Yes Star,
The Democratic Party is the party with no morals because some Libertarian blogger in the Philippines owns a pair of handcuffs. That's logical.
Sheesh. It's amazing you even know how to turn on a computer you retard.
As for your stunning ignorance of Republican sex scandals, well... at least your ignorance matches your imbecility.
I am not for either the Democrats or Republicans. I feel if you pay attention not only to what they say but what they actually do...you will find that both parties are full of shit. Example: Democrats say they are against the war. What they did: Gave Bush every dime (actually every billion) he needed to fight the war. Another example: Both Republican and Democrats say that Social Security is an important social program that needs to be fixed. What they did: Not only have they not fixed this program but they have allowed themselves to opt out of social security. None of them are paying into social security. They have other pension plans that are FAR more lucrative for themselves. F&*^ing scumbags!!
The democrats really have to be careful how they handle the Palin inexperience issue. If they attack her to hard about her inexperience they will be opening up Obama for the same type of attacks by McCain. Say what you will about McCain but he is an experienced legislaturer with several decades in the senate. But for that matter Biden is imminently more qualified to be president then Obama (and maybe even McCain).
You are right though, listening to some of the Republicans build Palin's experience up is actually quite funny. They sounds so serious....almost like they actually believe what they are saying. Of course it is equally has funny watching the democrats slam her inexperience but wording it very carefully so their words can not be used against Obama. The whole process is quite entertaining.
Why is it that partisan people (apparently you are one of them) can not just use the title "conservative". If you watch liberals or media types they always use some modifier....far right conservative, arch, neo ect. Can't someone be just a conservative? What is the difference between all those modifiers? first time I heard of a "hyper-psycho conservative".
Wow, you actually predicted McCain would pick a woman as his VP? I guess that means you are a political junky with a firm grasp of the nuisances of our political process. Wait a minute....McCain taking a woman has his VP?....my 9year old son could have predicted that....a blind man could have seen that coming a mile away.
You have to admit though what the scumbags at the Daily Kos did with Palin's daughter was so wrong. I read some of the blogs there and almost all of them where wrong. They were making assumptions, guessing, faking facts, warping actual facts with the most insane analysis, and generally just making shit up (someone actually created a blog which said down syndrome children come from inbreeding and that the 17 year old's father probably raped her....is that not absolutely appalling?)....all about a 17 year old girl. I just do not understand how people can get that partisan and mean spirited. No wonder we are so f*&^ed up as a society...every 2 years we tear each other apart....all for the sake of politics. (how many blogs have been written admitting they were wrong and apologized for what they wrote....none)
Well I am not a partisan...even though you may be a blind partisan, Democrat loving, godless, unpatriotic, pierced-nose, Volvo-driving, France-loving left-wing, communist, latte-sucking, tofu-chomping, holistic-wacko, neurotic, vegan weenie pervert, Obama fan...I would still drink a beer with you. Hmmmmm.....maybe. lol
One needn't be a partisan to describe somebody as a "hyper-psycho conservative", which I used to describe somebody who is so far to the political conservative right that her (or his) political views as a collection would match those of only a small percentage of the population — such as abortion being illegal, even in cases of rape or incest, and teaching creationism (Adam and Eve) in high school science classes — as Sarah Palin does.
Sorry Star... I let you put up two posts so that I could mock your low intelligence. Now, once again your racist ass is kicked to the curb. Hit the road.
Oh... and Chief: If your 9 year old son could have predicted that McCain would have picked a woman, then he is alone with me. Not one major news outlet, commentator, or political analyst had any women in their final list of 8 or 10 potential McCain Vice Presidential picks... only me... and your 9-year-old son. Tell your son I know what it's like to be an unappreciated genuis.
I checked, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, political commentary (I believe for fox) not only predicted McCain would pick a woman VP, but predicted Palin. Everybody on the panel laughed at him. Apparently he is also an unappreciated genius like you and my son.
Another who predicted Palin:
In addition the following women where on the short list for considerations for McCain's VP:
Christine Todd Whitman
Well, you did say you were an "unappreciated genius"...I agree with the first part of that. Hope this does not crush your inflated ego of being the ONLY person in the known universe to have predicated McCain would pick a woman, lol.
"One needn't be a partisan to describe somebody as a "hyper-psycho conservative", which I used to describe somebody who is so far to the political conservative right that her (or his) political views as a collection would match those of only a small percentage of the population — such as abortion being illegal, even in cases of rape or incest, and teaching creationism (Adam and Eve) in high school science classes — as Sarah Palin does."
Sorry to say this Jill, but you give our "population" way to much credit. There is a much bigger percentage of our "population" that stand on the same side of all those issues as Palin does. Just thinking about it makes the libertarian in me....want to move to another country. Oh, wait a minute...I will be doing that soon anyway. Cool, I feel better now.
Well, nobody really considered Meg Whitman to be a serious contender, and was merely mentioned as the "completely outside of politics" possibility.
Christie Whitman had too much of a connection to the Bush White House to have much hope (fat lot of good that did her, by the way), although I briefly considered her as a possibility as well... but she's a poor campaigner and is more of a fading -- than a rising -- star in the Republican party. Also, her record as EPA chief wasn't particularly good... in an election where the environment is a top issue.
Those two Whitmans were mentioned mostly in the "way out there" arena of possibility; the "we should put in a few ladies on the list, just in case McCain decides to pick a female" choices... which, not surprisingly, Palin didn't even qualify for either.
Hutchinson was on McCain's list of (real) possibilities originally, but fell by the wayside as time went by, leaving just men on pretty much everybody's list.
And no, of course I wasn't the only one who predicted McCain would pick a woman, although there were precious few of us (as opposed to everybody and their 9-year-old-son) who "saw it coming".
I didn't realize that Kristol had actually predicted Palin though... which it turns out you are right about. Of course, he's such a Republican insider, it could be that he told McCain he should pick Palin, and McCain then did exactly that.
"You give our "population" way to much credit" "... want to move to another country"
Ya know, as I was typing that part you quoted me about the "small percentage of the population", I was thinking the exact same thing you wrote... and it too was some of my reasoning behind hitting the road overseas.
Still though, I hold out hope that a vast majority of Americans are smart enough to realize that substituting "Jesus" for "Allah" in an extremist, off-the-wall, and superstitious belief system does not make a person any less extremeist, off-the-wall, and superstitious... and certainly no more qualified than Mullah Omar to be leader of the free world.
To be fair, the far-left liberals have their fanatics which are stuck on their dogma and will stop at nothing to make you, I and everybody believe the bullshit they are spewing out. So this extremist movement is not just a conservative religions republican thing.
I have served my country for 22 years in the US Army and when I retire will continue to serve, just in another capacity (we need good mercenaries to help out in Iraq, right?).
I love my country and truly feel America has done much good in the world overall. I also believe in the more...esoteric emotions that many liberals do not (patriotism, freedom, sound ethics (bordering on idealism), altruism, virtue). Patriotism is not jingoistic in my believe.
After saying that I do not believe in our elected officials and the direction in which our foreign and domestic policies have taken our country (and I hold BOTH Dems and Repubs responsible). But I hope for the best and will continue to love my country and believe that we, as a nation, will become....better.
Got to go now, I finally got my BMW Z4 Sportster (2005 with ONLY 5,000 miles) and am going to drive around the Island. What a fun car to drive.
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