The Gontinas Girls spending a day out
in the jungle swimming and eating.Today, Epril and I drove out to Jasaan to go to the Twin Hearts Pool Resort with Epril's family. (I invited Don from St. Louis to join us as well, and he rode out in a hired car.) I chose to go on a Monday because on Sundays in the summertime (now, that is), the pool resorts of Jasaan are just packed with hundreds of people.
As it was, even on a Monday, the place was nominally full, with almost all of the little bamboo huts taken. As per usual, the karaoke machine was on full blast. The nice thing about Twin Hearts though is that there are tons of massive boulders strewn throughout the site, and all you have to do is find a hut that is a little distant from the disco-volume karaoke machine (which, coincidentally and fortunately, is usually the hut that the Filipinos think is the poorest location) and you can enjoy a relatively (emphasis on relatively) quiet afternoon.
The bamboo huts, cool water,
and jungle setting make the
Twin Hearts Pool Resort an
awesome place to spend an
afternoon.After the pool, the family, myself and Epril, and Don went back to Epril's family's house and relaxed for a little while. Don and I took a walk around the village, followed as always by a throng of little giggling girls... future Cherry Blossom subscribers for sure.
After that, Don rode back to Cagayan in the taxi, and gave Susan and Ednil a ride, while I rode with Epril on the motorcycle. All 5 of us met up at Kinse Amigos for dinner.
When I got to Kinse Amigos, I felt just the tiniest bit light headed, and thought that I must be having a sugar crash or be really tired or something. We all ate some bar-be-que, and then I decided to go home and go straight to bed, thinking that I was coming down with a cold or something.
I climbed into bed at 8:00, and started coughing. I coughed until I finally fell asleep at midnight. I figured out what had happened when Epril cleaned off her face with her usual cotton-ball-alcohol and laughed when she saw all the soot on her face: I had spent 45 minutes driving to, and 45 minutes driving back from Jasaan in some of the most polluted air on the planet. When I arrived at Kinse Amigos, I must have been suffering from mild carbon monoxide poisoning.
It's really a shame because The Philippines is such a wonderful place to live, but if you are a person with respiratory problems, take this as fair warning: Bangkok and Pattaya are pure clean oxygen compared to Cagayan. I'm living up on my hill here for all except 6 or 8 hours each week, and somewhat distant from the pollution... but if you live down in that brown cloud (I can see it over the city from my house), it is the same as smoking a pack per day as far as I'm concerned.
It sounds like you’re acclimating well to your Philippine adventure. Your hilltop view is absolutely magnificent!! Do you miss Pattaya much now that you’ve had a while in the new location? What is it you miss the most? Which place does your heart fit in better… (Epril’s smile excluded)? Still keeping off the ciggies?
BTW… the National Allergy website has a great carbon filtered mask called the Honeycomb Mask. It beats those cloth and 3M masks hands down and has replaceable filters. I just spent the month of February in Kathmandu and this mask kept me from getting the dreaded “Kathmandu Hack” that I normally pick up there. Highly recommended… they are selling like hotcakes for the Olympics in Beijing… might be worth looking into for your future two-wheelin’ adventures.
Stay healthy and keep up the GREAT blogin’!!!
What do I miss most? Bob's BBQ. (Bob are you there? Check your e-mails once in a while, sheesh.) I also miss Maid Go, strawberry margueritas, Fuji, the beach, Stan and all my other friends.
Thanks for the info on the mask. I'm having trouble even finding just a plain old painter's mask here in Cagayan. SM didn't have them at least.
I'll bring a bunch of masks in September; if you want.
Thanks for the good blogging; I have not heard from you on my blog lately; do you have access?
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