It's not the kind of place I would go to every week, primarily because I'm too busy with work to put away a 6-pack at 10:00 in the morning, but perhaps I'll be able to swing a once-a-month visit.
Today there were about a dozen expatriates hanging around drinking. (I stuck with Coke.) The entire gala event was presided over by Staff Sergeant Mike, who seems to be the Alpha Male of the expatriates in Cagayan, partly because of seniority, and mostly because nobody else wants the job. He uses the Wednesday OTT drinking party to raise money for orphans, the funds of which he then gets local charities (like Rotary) to match or double, and in return gives them all the credit for the projects that the money pays for.
SM City Mall in Cagayan is right
outside the entrance of the housing
development I live in.After having a soda at "Over The Top", I went to see Montana Mike at the row house he rented down in the valley. (I can see the general area where his place is from my house on top of the hill, but it's all trees in that area and I can't see his place exactly.) His girlfriend just arrived back last night from the far side of Mindanao with her little niece in tow, whom she and Mike are hoping to adopt. What a cute little girl she is.
The Demon Train of SM City
Mall, owned and operated by
Satan. It drives unwary kids
around the mall while
delivering their souls straight
to hell.I chatted with Mike about business opportunities here. There really are a hundred ways to make money here in Cagayan, as compared to Pattaya, because there is comparatively no capital invested here, and there is little or no competition. If you have money to invest, or a business you want to start, Cagayan is probably one of the best places in The Philippines to come to.
I went back home after visiting with Mike and put in another hour of work before Epril and Susan got back from Jasaan. Then, Epril and I went shopping at SM, where I found they were selling cream soda, which I haven't had in 20 years or so, so I bought a case. They also had Dr. Pepper, so I bought a case of that too.
Epril, Susan and I watched another 2 episodes of season 1 of "24" on television before going to bed.
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