Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Most Helpful Kitchen Hint I've Ever Seen

How to peel an entire head of garlic in under 10 seconds.

This works so well I almost think they are playing a joke on us. I'm making chicken soup tomorrow, and I'll give it a try.


  1. I couldn't get the first part to work, and certainly not the second part. Too bad, that would save a lot of time. BTW, can you download the clips from YouTube?

  2. I never got around to trying it. It does not work? These guys are playing a joke?

    There are lots of ways to download clips from YouTube... although I have never done so myself. You can check out the Google search results and see what options are available.

  3. I tried this garlic technique just now. It works 100% but now I have way too much peeled garlic...
