Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fix Airline Security and Stop Punishing Passengers

To add one more level of craziness to air flight (as is pretty much standard operating procedure with every new terrorist incident aboard an airliner), passengers are no longer allowed to have anything on their laps for the final hour of a flight, and are not allowed to stand up.

And the airlines wonder why they are dying? It's not the terrorists that are killing them, it's their reaction... overreaction... that is killing them. They (and their passengers) need to tell the TSA that this has gone beyond ridiculous into insanity.

Stop with the in-flight stupidity; improve passenger screening. Airlines are punishing passengers for what is clearly a problem with the airport security apparatus. Improve scanners, improve procedures, improve training, and improve the job benefits so that you are not forced to hire retards for the job of ensuring aircraft safety. Oh: Paying 100 times more attention to the people who fit terrorist profiles (you know... single males from certain countries is a really good indicator) than you do to old couples from Tampa and families from Spokane would probably help immensely too.

Security expert Bruce Schneier added a nice bit of snark I felt to be worth quoting:
I wish that, just once, some terrorist would try something that you can only foil by upgrading the passengers to first class and giving them free drinks.


  1. Jil, I think you should send this to every newspaper (print and online) in the USA...

    BTW, Merry Christmas +3 & Happy New year!

    mataho in bkk

  2. Fxxking idiots, keep those morons of the planes and let us get on with our business, flying for work and holiday. How freakin' difficult is it to keep some idiot carrying a gallon of lighter fuel of a plane for fuck sake and leave all 7 billion normal other people alone.

  3. Full body scan technology is available but the public would rather wait in 2 hour lines than have someone catch an x-ray glimpse of their hoo-hoo or pee pee.
    (the baby talk is to emphasize how juvinile the public has become.)
